
Einträge für die Thematik Microsoft enthaltend 2 | alle Formen
A2A integrationIntegración A2A (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
B2B integrationIntegración B2B (The exchange of electronic documents between two companies, for example, for the purpose of trading)
B2B sitesitio B2B (A Web site designed for the creation and transmission of purchase orders between businesses that have an established relationship)
B2C sitesitio B2C (A Web site that provides retail shopping directly to the public)
2-D2D (Existing in reference to two measures, such as height and width--for example, a two-dimensional model drawn with reference to an x-axis and a y-axis, or a two-dimensional array of numbers placed in rows and columns)
2-D shapeforma 2D (A shape that has four selection handles that you can use to resize the shape proportionally)
2-element constraintrestricción de 2 elementos (A constraint that applies to two elements, such as two classes or two associations. The constraint is shown as a dashed arrow from one element to the other, labeled by the constraint string in braces ({ }))
IIS Media Services 2.0Servicios multimedia 2.0 de IIS (A set of media-related extensions for IIS 7 that provides an integrated HTTP-based media delivery platform. IIS Media Services 2.0 contains three extensions: smooth streaming, bit rate throttling, and Web playlists)
2-in-12 en 1 (A computer that has properties both of a tablet and a laptop)
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 4.0Proveedor OLE DB de Microsoft para DB2 Versión 4.0 (An OLE DB provider that allows the user to create distributed applications targeting IBM DB2 databases)
P2 headerencabezado P2 (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
P2P sharerecurso compartido P2P (A folder or directory used by peer-to-peer file-sharing software as a destination for receiving files from other users or a source from which other users may download files)
P2V conversionconversión FaV (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
S2S protocolprotocolo S2S (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
V2V conversionconversión V2V (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
2-way pagingradiomensajería bidireccional (A system that allows users to send and receive messages when they are out of range)
Wi-Fi Protected Access 2Acceso protegido Wi-Fi 2 (A wireless implementation and the second generation of WPA security that is based on the final IEEE 802.11i amendment to the 802.11 standard)