
Einträge für die Thematik Microsoft enthaltend повышение | alle Formen | exakt
запрос на повышение правOTS (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правOver The Shoulder (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правelevation prompt (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. An elevation prompt will either be displayed as a consent prompt or a credential prompt, depending upon Group Policy settings and user account type)
направленный на повышение производительностиaimed at improving performance (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
несанкционированное повышение привилегийelevation of privilege (The process by which a user obtains a higher level of privilege than that for which he has been authorized. A malicious user may use elevation of privilege as a means to compromise or destroy a system, or to access unauthorized information)
ориентированный на повышение производительностиperformance-focused (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
повышение подписиlabel promotion (The promotion of a different version (usually the latest version) of a file to become part of the already labeled code. The goal could be to perform minor updates to the code base of the original release)
повышение прав зоныzone elevation (A situation that occurs when a Web page loaded in one URL security zone loads a page from a less restrictive zone in a frame or a new window. For example, if a page from the Internet zone loads a page from the Local Machine zone, a zone elevation has occurred)
повышение привилегийelevation of privilege (The process by which a user obtains a higher level of privilege than that for which he has been authorized. A malicious user may use elevation of privilege as a means to compromise or destroy a system, or to access unauthorized information)
повышение приоритетаpriority boost (An advanced option that specifies whether Microsoft® SQL Server™ should run at a higher Microsoft Windows NT® scheduling priority than other processes on the same computer)
повышение производительностиperformance enhancements (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
повышение производительностиperformance features (microsoft.com bojana)
Повышение режима работы доменаRaise Domain Functional Level (Windows 8 ssn)
Повышение режима работы лесаRaise Forest Functional Level (Windows 8 ssn)
повышение стоимостиCost Increase (A calculated field that subtracts the total budgeted cost from the total actual cost and then divides that value by the total budgeted cost. This value is then multiplied by 100)
повышение типаtype promotion (The promotion of an element's scope to the namespace containing the module)
полосы повышения и пониженияup-down bars (In line charts with multiple data series, bars that indicate the difference between data points in the first and last series. Rori)
тип данных, ориентированный на повышение производительностиperformance-focused type (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)