
Einträge für die Thematik Notarielle Praxis enthaltend активный | alle Formen | exakt
активное активно-солидарное обязательствоobligation in which creditors and debtors who are parties to it have joint and several rights and obligations
активное активно-солидарное обязательствоjoint and several rights and obligations of creditors and debtors (parties to an obligation)
активное избирательное правоright to cast vote at public elections
активное избирательное правоright to vote
активное избирательное правоelective franchise
активное солидарное обязательствоobligation in which creditors and debtors who are parties to it have joint and several rights and obligations
активное солидарное обязательствоjoint and several rights and obligations of creditors and debtors (parties to an obligation)
активный субъект правоотношенияperson having the right
активный субъект правоотношенияperson of inherence
активный субъект правоотношенияsubject of legal relatives
активный субъект правоотношенияthe one entitled
активный субъект правоотношенияparty to a transaction
солидарное активное обязательствоobligation in which creditors and debtors who are parties to it have joint and several rights and obligations
солидарное активное обязательствоjoint and several rights and obligations of creditors and debtors