
Einträge für die Thematik Informationstechnik enthaltend use of | alle Formen | exakt | nur in der angegebenen Reihenfolge
convenience of data useудобство работы с данными (Konstantin 1966)
ease of useудобство в использовании
ease of useлёгкий в использовании
ease of useпростота пользования
ease-of-useлёгкость использования (IBM Alex_Odeychuk)
for ease of module uselдля удобства использования модуля (Konstantin 1966)
Guide to the Use of StandardsРуководство по использованию стандартов
indefeasible right of useнеотъемлемое право пользования (unact.ru)
make efficient use ofэффективно использовать (что-л. Alex_Odeychuk)
make use of the quantum systemиспользовать квантовую вычислительную систему (Alex_Odeychuk)
top 5 use cases of blockchain beyond cryptocurrency5 лучших вариантов использования блокчейна помимо криптовалюты (Blockchain has been instrumental in catapulting cryptocurrency to the next level. Let's take a look at what else can be achieved using it. As we know, blockchain is a digital public ledger that stores data securely, making it almost impossible to hack or alter without authorization. Since its inception in 1992-93, it has evolved dramatically and made its mark in promoting cryptocurrency. Even the ones who are critical of this change cannot deny the potential of using blockchain for other use cases. In this article, we will discuss how this revolutionary technology is changing the business processes beyond cryptocurrency. What started just as a cryptocurrency application has now evidently taken over almost all other applications in the IT space. And yet, there still remains a lot to be explored. As business leaders in innovation, we will be investing in enlightening the community about and building solutions using this breakthrough technology to enhance people's lives and empower them to build new things in the coming years. GeekyAnts named as the best mobile app development company by Outlook India https://www.outlookindia.com/business-spotlight/top-mobile-app-development-companies-news-272936 geekyants.com geekyants)
unauthorized use of systemнесанкционированное использование системы
Unrecognizable conditional operator, use "IS", "IS NOT", etc. Remainder of login script ignoredВ операторе IF login сценария задано невыполнимое условие (сообщение сети NetWare)
use of storeиспользование запоминающего устройства