
Einträge für die Thematik Allgemeine Lexik enthaltend расстрел | alle Formen | exakt
Гойя изображает драматическую сцену расстрела мадридских патриотовGoya represents a dramatic scene of the shooting of the Madrid patriots
казнь через расстрелdeath by firing squad (Alex Lilo)
команда, наряженная для расстрелаfiring squad
команда, снаряжённая для расстрелаfiring squad
мародёры подлежат расстрелуlooters will be shot (Andrey Truhachev)
массовый расстрелmass execution (Local residents confirmed to AFP that a mass execution had taken place on a large roundabout six kilometres (four miles) east of the city of ... | Jihadist rebels have carried out mass executions in Syria and the government has increased its use of indiscriminate weapons, UN rights ... BBC Alexander Demidov)
попасть под расстрелhave to face the firing squad
приговорить к расстрелуsentence to be shot
приговорить к расстрелуsentence to the firing squad (Private John Vinson of Company G had also been sentenced to the firing squad for desertion. • During a show trial, in the presence of the whole Soviet press, four of them were sentenced to the firing squad and then executed. 4uzhoj)
приказ о расстрелеshoot-to-kill order
расстрел без судаsummary execution (и следствия)
расстрел на местеsummary execution (brother_fox)
расстрел на местеsummary execution on the spot (Shtrafniks that showed any sign of resistance or subversion were usually immediately transferred to trampler duty if they were not summarily executed on the spot. 4uzhoj)
расстрел орудияwear of gun barrel
расстрелы учащимися своих одноклассников в школеschool shootings (bigmaxus)
решение о расстрелеexecution warrant (Chairman of the Ural Regional Soviet personally signed the Tsar's execution warrant Рина Грант)
случаи расстрелаinstances of shooting deaths (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)