
Einträge enthaltend fidget | alle Formen | exakt
Makarow.be in a fidgetнервничать
Makarow.be in a fidgetнервничать
Makarow.be in a fidgetбеспокоиться
Gruzovik, umg.begin to fidgetзаегозиться
Gruzovik, umg.begin to fidgetзаюлить
Gruzovik, umg.begin to fidgetзаегозить
Gruzovikbegin to fidgetзаёрзать
Allg.don't fidget!не вертись!
Allg.don't fidgetне ёрзай
Allg.fidget aboutёрзать
Makarow.fidget aboutпроявлять нетерпение
Makarow.fidget aboutбеспокойно двигаться
Gruzovik, umg.fidget for a whileпоёрзать
Gruzovik, umg.fidget for a whileпоегозить
umg.fidget from foot to footпереминаться с ноги на ногу (в волнении,смущении и т.п. Rust71)
Allg.fidget in a lying or sitting positionелозить ("creep" and "crawl" подразумевают направленное движение, поэтому "fidget" ближе по смыслу Guzel-Irina)
Allg.fidget in one's seatёрзать на месте (ART Vancouver)
Allg.fidget in one's seatёрзать на стуле (ART Vancouver)
Allg.fidget spinnerспиннер (Evgeny Shamlidi)
Allg.fidget spinnerигрушка-антистресс (A type of stress-relieving toy that is intended to be spun around in one's hand, and that generally consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper, and plastic. WT. A group of Russian motor enthusiasts have tried to make a car-based version of the fidget spinner, and very nearly succeeded in their attempts to make it spin. BBC Alexander Demidov)
Allg.fidget spinnerвертушка от стресса (A fidget spinner is a toy that is marketed as relieving stress. It consists of a bearing in the center of a multi-lobed flat structure made from metal or plastic. The toy has been advertised as helping people who have trouble with focusing or fidgeting (such as those with ADHD, autism, or anxiety) by acting as a release mechanism for nervous energy or psychological stress. Experts are divided, with some supporting this claim and others disputing its scientific basis, arguing that the toy may be distracting. Fidget spinners became popular toys in 2017, although similar devices had already been invented in 1993. Often marketed with claims of health benefits, the toy became popular among schoolchildren. Some schools banned the spinners for being a distraction, while other schools allowed the toy to be used discreetly. WK. Russians build three-car fidget spinner. BBC Alexander Demidov)
Allg.fidget withиграть чем-либо нервно перебирать что-либо руками
Makarow.fidget with somethingиграть (чем-либо)
Allg.fidget withиграть (чем-либо)
Makarow.fidget withнервно перебирать что-либо руками
Gruzovikfidget withвертеть в руках
Allg.fidget withнервно перебирать (что-либо)
Allg.have the fidgets to be in a fidgetнервничать
Allg.have the fidgets to be in a fidgetбеспокоиться
Allg.he fidgeted uneasily in his seatон беспокойно ёрзал на своём стуле
Allg.hurry up, your father is fidgeting!поторопись, твой отец волнуется!
Allg.she is all of a fidgetей неймётся (о бесрокойном поведении)
Allg.stop fidgeting with your pen!оставь ручку в покое!
Allg.stop fidgeting with your pen!не верти ручку!
Allg.such a fidgetсуетливый человек
Allg.such a fidgetмелочной человек
umg.what a fidget you are!что ты всё вертишься?
umg.what a fidget you are!ну к веретено же ты!
Makarow.what a fidget you are!ну и веретено же ты!