

Link 10.04.2006 18:45 
Thema der Nachricht: payment on account certificate Buchhalt.
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Payment on account certificate



Link 10.04.2006 18:46 


Link 10.04.2006 18:55 

Payment on account recommendation

Payment on account summary: This payment on account certificate deals with the provisional claim in respect of cargo's proportion of the salvage claim of Svitzer Wijsmuller Salvage B.V. for US$... (which forms part of the General Average) as per the York-Antwerp Rules 1994.


Link 10.04.2006 18:57 
А, это у Вас еще морская тематика продолжается... Не знаю специфики, так что лезть не будут.


Link 10.04.2006 19:05 
Может кто-нибудь поможет?


Link 10.04.2006 19:28 
Возможен ли вариант: Cвидетельство об оплате в счёт причитающейся суммы?


Link 10.04.2006 20:42 
вот тута чейто написано... немного по-другому получается. а как сказать - не ведаю. страховкой почти не занимался - ни по жизни, ни в переводе.

6. Payments on account
It is appreciated that one of the major problems facing shipowners is the delay between settling repair accounts and receiving settlement from underwriters in respect of claims. However, in cases where an average adjuster is appointed he may be able to recommend a payment on account by hull insurers and/or cargo interests enabling the shipowner to receive reimbursement of a substantial proportion of his expenditure at an early stage. Repair invoices are often settled with the sum recommended in the payment on account being remitted directly by insurers to the relevant repair yard, with obvious benefits for the shipowner's cash flow.
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