

Link 25.04.2014 10:58 
Thema der Nachricht: its peer group in Russia Recht.
Even with this significant increase in gross margin, which is attributable to the growth of the business and the extent to which such rapid growth is rewarded by suppliers who themselves are seeking growth as well as access to an efficient, multi-region supply network, we believe, based on public filings, that compared to its peer group in Russia, XXX still has the lowest and therefore the most competitive gross margin.


Link 25.04.2014 11:32 
Peer здесь может означать "конкурент".


Link 25.04.2014 11:47 
Я так и думал (и носитель подтвердил) - конкурирующей (или аналогичной) группы


Link 25.04.2014 11:49 
мы переводим peer group (in Russia) как сопоставимые/аналогичные (российские) компании


Link 25.04.2014 12:17 
Вот-вот, так и напишу.


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