

Link 12.12.2013 18:29 
Thema der Nachricht: gear rod portion (Actuating device ) Allg.
. помогите, пожалуйста, перевести некоторые термины на рис.2. gear rod portion 10-стержень шестерни, sliding member 12- позун, wheel holding fixture 16- зажимное приспособление шестерни, sliding guide devices 22- направляющие рамки /механизмы? Спасибо.
Various transformation gears are conceivable that transform rotational motion into linear motion. A simple example of such a transformation gear can be seen in that it comprises at least one gear wheel rotationally connected to the shaft and a gear rod portion being in engagement with its gearing and being connected movably to the on / off lever.
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