

Link 2.04.2011 19:01 
Thema der Nachricht: Subjunсtive mood II и согласование времен.
Подскажите пожалуйста как правильно,

He calls her as though he wanted to say that he loved her
He calls her as though he wanted to say that he loves her

По правилам согласования нужно употребить loved, но как быть в случае Subjunсtive mood II? Имеется ввиду, что он звонит ей словно хочет сказать, что любит её.
Интересует именно этот случай, а не сказать как-то по-другому!



Link 2.04.2011 20:18 


Link 2.04.2011 20:24 
He calls her as though he wanted to say that he loved her- правильно
///но как быть в случае Subjunсtive mood II?///Вы о чем, собственно?
///Имеется ввиду, что он звонит ей словно хочет сказать, что любит её./// - ну да, так и есть...


Link 2.04.2011 21:06 
natrix_reloaded +1 (at all the points:))
But after 'as though' tenses vary :

You sound as though you like it (presumably fact)
He looks as though he knew what's going to happen (=>he doesn't - more hypothetical)
cf. He looks as though he knows what's going to happen (=> maybe he does)
Both will do -
He calls her as though he wanted to say that he loved her
He calls her as though he wantS to say that he loves her


Link 3.04.2011 5:26 
на вордерефернсе мне сказали, что можно и так,
He calls her as though he wants to say that he loves her

т.е. можно забить на Subjunсtive mood II в придаточном предложении. Как вы к этому относитесь?

 Юрий Гомон

Link 3.04.2011 5:35 
с he wants - это явно разговорный вариант


Link 3.04.2011 7:41 
\\\можно забить на Subjunсtive mood II в придаточном предложении. Как вы к этому относитесь?\\\
Можно абсолютно безболезненно.
Я бы нормально отнеслась...


Link 3.04.2011 16:38 
here is the answer from a professional editor from the USA:

1. He calls her as though he wants to say that he loves her.

2. He calls her as though he wanted to say that he loved her.

I'm thinking of "call" as in a telephone call.

Sentence 2 can mean the same thing as sentence 1. It usually does. But sentence 2 can also mean that he wanted to say that sometime in the past he loved her. For example, he wanted to say that when he and she were both in Rome, he loved her then. Now it's 20 years later... How do you know the meaning for sentence 2? From the context, of course.


Link 3.04.2011 17:17 
loves вполне принимается


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