

Link 24.11.2010 17:41 
Thema der Nachricht: part of impeachment
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести предложение.
That charge forms part of the impeachment proceedings which the parliament launched against the president in December.
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
Lithuania's recent sales of two state-owned alcohol firms have been similarly colourful, if on a smaller scale. One of the deals collapsed in October when the supposed buyer, an Italian, failed to turn up at the signing ceremony. The other provoked a flurry of protest when the top bidder, a firm from neighbouring Latvia, was rejected in favour of an underbidder from Lithuania. A parliamentary inquiry has since found that the local firm got leaks of confidential information about the deal from Mr
Paksas's office. That charge forms part of the impeachment proceedings which the parliament launched against the president in December.

Заранее спасибо


Link 24.11.2010 18:58 
Это обвинение является частью процедуры импичмента, объявленного парламентом президенту в декабре.


Link 24.11.2010 19:10 
импичмент - отрешения президента от должности


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