

Link 4.07.2010 11:07 
Thema der Nachricht: недовложение в индивидуальную упаковку
Покритикуйте, пожалуйста, перевод.

- Претензии по внутритарным количественным характеристикам Товара (бой, количественная недостача, недовложение в индивидуальную упаковку и т.п.) должны быть предъявлены не позднее 15 календарных дней с момента передачи Товара ПОКУПАТЕЛЮ.
Перевод: delivery of an insufficient quantity of goods per packaging unit


Link 4.07.2010 13:31 
Возможный вариант:


§ 158.5 Deficiencies in contents of packages—general.

An allowance shall be made in the assessment of duties for deficiencies in the contents of packages when, before the liquidation of the entry becomes final, the importer files:

(a) In the case of a concealed shortage, a Customs Form 5931, in triplicate, executed by the importer alone, and the port director satisfies himself as to the validity of the claim; or,

(b) In the case of an unconcealed shortage, a Customs Form 5931, in triplicate, executed by both the importer and the importing or bonded carrier, as appropriate.

§ 158.6 Deficiencies in contents of examination packages.

Allowance for deficiency in the contents of any examination package reported to the port director by a Customs officer shall be made in the liquidation of the entry. No Customs officer except one making an examination contemplated by section 499, Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1499), shall report a supposed deficiency to the port director unless it is established to the satisfaction of the reporting officer that the merchandise was not imported.

(Sec. 499, 46 Stat. 728, as amended; 19 U.S.C. 1499)


Link 4.07.2010 13:33 

(3) For Packaging and Labeling Violations:

(a) For packages that are packaged or that have the net contents determined at a location other than the retail store where tested, and that are found to contain less than declared net contents when tested using procedures adopted in Rule 5F-3.016, F.A.C.:

1. First violation: Warning letter;

2. Second violation within 2 years after the first violation: $500 fine or calculated economic damages, whichever is greater, up to a maximum $2500 fine. “Calculated economic damages” equals the value of packages (price/package) times the average amount of shortage (% shortage per package) times the number of packages in lot(s);


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