

Link 30.09.2009 18:05 
Thema der Nachricht: Let’s say it all falls into line.
Помогите, пож., перевести.


Link 30.09.2009 18:30 
to do something similar
Once we bring out a CD-ROM version, all our competitors will fall into line.

If students see that everyone else in school is wearing a uniform, they tend to fall in line and wear one, too.


Link 30.09.2009 18:33 


Link 30.09.2009 18:44 
маленькая поправка к предыдущему примеру
instead of "they tend to fall in line" "they tend to fall into line"
Also, more definition to 'fall in/to line'- to start to accept the rules of a company or other organization (often + with). Ex: Employees were expected to fall into line with the company's new practices or face dismissal.


Link 30.09.2009 19:03 
Да, все сходится. Спасибо еще раз!


Link 30.09.2009 19:09 


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