

Link 9.03.2005 11:43 
Thema der Nachricht: spoil of war
Пересказывается довольно безумный сюжет фильма Аки Каурисмяки. Абзац такой:
By means of the clever plot, the band´s manager (Matti Pellonpää)
siting the Bible, poses as Moses and promises to lead the band, which has
strayed to the New World, back home. In fact, Moses hopes to smuggle into
Siberia, rather in the mode of the spoils of war, the nose of the Statue of
Liberty. Employing a wind machine, an old DC-3 and several useful ploys,
Moses and the nose journey to the Old World

Правильно ли перевести spoils of war как "мародеры военного времени"? Или имеется в виду что-то совсем другое?



Link 9.03.2005 11:59 
spoils of war simply means booty, and i dont mean rear end, i mean loot. have u heard this expression before, to the victor go the spoils? here, spoils mean any valuables taken away by violence or deceit. spoils of war may or may not imply militray connection, most often than not it is used in its idiomatic meaning.


Link 9.03.2005 12:05 
Thank you


Link 10.03.2005 2:37 
talgat, where's your signature? :)
also, a question for you - do you know what 'bootie call' means in BrE? I heard a song by All Saints titled so.


Link 13.03.2005 20:48 
In AE, "bootie call" means someone's desire to have sex with somebody else (I don't know about British English but think they may be the same).


Link 13.03.2005 21:22 
Thank you, alexamel! I think it means the same in BrE.


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