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Einträge zur Thematik Einwanderung und Staatsbürgerschaft (2966 статей)
"adjudicator" adjudicator
"asylum-shopping" "asylum-shopping"
"bourse d'informations" "Information Exchange"
"fourmi" small-time courier
"non-documents d'identité" papers establishing a false identity
"petouilles" bite
"petouilles" friar
"petouilles" hickey
"Republikflucht" "fleeing the republic"
"snakeheads" snakeheads
à-côté offcut
abolition des contrôles aux frontières abolition of border controls
absence de décision failure to act
absence de statut lack of status
absorbant l'eau accepting water
absorbant l'encre accepting ink
absorbant le gras accepting oils
absorption optical absorption
absorption optique absorption
absorptivité absorption