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have a soft spot forударения
have a crush on; любимчик
общ. по-особому относиться к (в знач. "не строго спрашивать с" : As a cop I always had a soft spot for military folks, probably because I was a vet and most cops I knew who weren't vets were a$$holes to military people because of what I think was a jealousy of the quiet brotherhood military people have.); быть не в состоянии устоять перед (4uzhoj); души не чаять в (She had a soft spot for her youngest brother and was always fighting for him, even if it was his fault. • Though my uncle is always bungling and goofing things up, I have a soft spot for him; he has a big heart and means well.); давать слабину (в контексте: My dad always had a soft spot for Barry, so he decided to help the kid. - Когда дело касалось Бэрри, отец давал слабину, поэтому он решил помочь парню.); питать слабость к (have a sentimental weakness for: You have to love a man in uniform. And I've always had a soft spot for marines. Especially sexy marines like Luke. • He had a soft spot for old cars. • Jimmy always had a soft spot for high-maintenance girls.); любить больше, чем остальных; испытывать влечение (someone – к кому-либо Anglophile); питать слабость к (someone – к кому-либо); любить (в значении "симпатизировать и прощать мелкие пригрешения"; have a sentimental weakness for: She was a very bright student and most teachers in her school had a soft spot for her. • Listen, boopsie, even though you never call and never write I still got a soft spot for you.); питать слабость к кому-то (sb.)
идиом. испытывать нежные чувства к ("Come on, somebody has to know who this scum bag bitch is." "Unfortunately scum bags usually hang out with other scum baggy people that won't give them up :(" "I've known many scumbags and they would turn this other scumbag in. Even the worst of us usually have a soft spot for dogs." (Reddit) ART Vancouver); не мочь сердиться на (не мочь быть строгим с кем-либо и т.п.; have a sentimental fondness or affection toward; to continue to like someone even when they do not behave well: She has a soft spot for her grandchildren. • I have a soft spot for my grandaughter and her mother says she can get away with anything around me. • Listen, boopsie, even though you never call and never write I still got a soft spot for you. ); быть падким на (have a sentimental weakness for: You have to love a man in uniform. And I've always had a soft spot for marines. Especially sexy marines like Luke. • He had a soft spot for old cars. • Jimmy always had a soft spot for high-maintenance girls.); питать нежные чувства к (кому-либо В.И.Макаров)
идиом., поясн. с состраданием относиться к (с участием относиться к, проявлять сердоболие по отношению к, сочувствовать (чужому горю) : He should fire her, but he hated doing that. He suspected that the woman was running from something, and he had a soft spot for people in trouble. • I've always had a soft spot for the less fortunate. • He has a soft spot for the weak and helpless, and gives to them with a generous heart.)
идиом., разг. быть неравнодушным к (Though he denied being in love with her, it was evident that he had a soft spot for her – he could never see her unhappy and was always caring for her.); неровно дышать к (How do you tell if a guy has a soft spot for you?); нравиться (особ. о противоположном поле – have a strong liking for; have a crush on: How do you tell if a guy has a soft spot for you? • My brother used to have a soft spot for a girl in his class. • She had a soft spot for the boy next door.); иметь слабость к (I mean, I have a soft spot for brunettes, too.)
образн. питать слабость к кому-либо (someone КГА)
 Английский тезаурус
have a soft spot for
идиом. have a sentimental weakness for; have a sentimental fondness or affection for someone or something, often for reasons that are hard to understand or articulate; to continue to like someone even when they do not behave well
have a soft spot for
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