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яд.физ. reactor shutdown
атом.эн. shutdown
ИТ. deadly embrace
ИТ. обр.дан. halt
мат. cut-off
мет. blow down
окруж. containment
тех. stop
юр. decision on appeal
юр. трансп. мор. arrest of ship
| à
общ. per
| la
эк. milk
| température de transformation
 température de transformation
пром. стр. мет. 4 temperature
| gamma
энт. comma butterfly
| delta
полит. delta
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к фразам
arrêt m
общ. bus stop (d'autobus)
атом.эн. shutdown
банк. stagnation
ветр. standstill
ИТ. deadly embrace
ИТ., обр.дан. halt
комп. hold
комп., Майкр. termination (The ending of a thread, process, or program); shutdown (The process of quitting all programs before closing the operating system)
мат. cut-off (d'une analyse séquentielle)
маш.мех. stop block; stopping device
мед. stenotic stop; standstill (d'un mouvement)
мет. to blow down; blowing out; to blow out; to de-commission; clasp
окруж. containment; judgement The official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination. The final decision of the court resolving the dispute and determining the rights and obligations of the parties. The law's last word in a judicial controversy, it being the final determination by a court of the rights of the parties upon matters submitted to it in an action or proceeding; sentence (droit)
ООН., юр. judgement (CIJ)
параплан. safeguard
патент. decision
полит., юр. judgment
пром., стр. stoppage
собес. ruling
стр. railway halt, railroad halt; railway station (de chemin de fer); arrester; limiter; public transport stop; public transport station
телеком. microphone disconnect button
торг., трансп., мор. arrest
трансп. drop off
трансп., авиац. stopway
трансп., стр. stop
тур. crest
футб. save
хим. shut-down; stopping; rest; obstruction; choking; sojourning; residence; blocking; inhibition; continuity; persistence; tracing; pause
юр. decision on appeal
юр., окруж. judgement; sentence
юр., трансп., мор. arrest of ship
arret m
хим. blocking; stoppage; barrier; baffle
яд.физ. reactor shutdown; shutdown
arrêts m
лес. standstills
юр. judgments; detention; sentence of detention
"arrêt!" m
спорт. "stop!"
arrêt de chemin de fer ou d'autobus m
тех. stop
 Французский тезаурус
arrêt сокр.
сокр., патент. Ar.; Arr.
arrêt à la
: 25 фраз в 9 тематиках
Международная торговля1
Общая лексика4
Хобби, увлечения, досуг1
Юридическая лексика3