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to degauss ['di:'gaus] глаг.
землевед., эл. afmagnetisere
degaussing ['di:'gausɪŋ] глаг.
связь. afmagnetisering
 Английский тезаурус
degaussing ['di:'gausɪŋ] сущ.
США. The process whereby a ship’s magnetic field is reduced by the use of electromagnetic coils, permanent magnets, or other means (JP 3-15)
degauss ['di:'gaus] глаг.
ИТ. The application of variable levels of alternating current for the purpose of demagnetizing magnetic recording media (The process involves increasing the alternating current field gradually from zero to some maximum value and back to zero, leaving a very low residue of magnetic induction on the media. Degauss loosely means to erase)