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спрятаться глаг.ударения
общ. hide; dodge; shelter; lie close; take earth; go into hiding (от преследования); take cover; hunker (обычно hunker down Arkan); lie snug; conceal; hide oneself; keep to oneself; shroud; occult; put away; ensconce oneself (VLZ_58); go to ground (anita_storm); go in (за тучами – о солнце, луне: The sun went in, and the breeze became cold. В.И.Макаров); cuddle; be hiding; skulk
Gruzovik conceal oneself (pf of прятаться); hide oneself (pf of прятаться); keep to oneself (pf of прятаться)
амер. hunker down (на время; The escaped convicts hunkered down in a cave in the mountains. Val_Ships)
идиом. crawl under a rock (VLZ_58)
Макаров. run to earth; shelter oneself; take to earth; shelter from; shelter in; shelter under
разг. go to ground (на время; go into hiding for a while Val_Ships)
редк. go to kennel
сл. tunnel; hole up (Try to hole up somewhere quiet and get your work done. VLZ_58)
уст. keep oneself close
спрятать глаг.
общ. put away ("It's nice out today, isn't?" "Yes, but put it away, there's a policeman coming"); put away; bosom; bury (to bury one's face in one's hands – закрыть лицо руками); hide; recess; secrete; keep away; shut away; masque; bottle up; shroud; coffin (в надёжном, неприступном месте); stash; tuck; Tucked away (olga garkovik); stow away (In 1945, the factory was reduced to rubble in an air attack. Fortunately, the technical documents had been stowed away in the basement.); cover up; put out of sight; put up (вещи и т. п.); squirrel away (Wakeful dormouse); ensconce (VLZ_58); draw in (когти); nestle about; put in one's pocket; cheese it (что-л.); put by; conceal
Gruzovik conceal
амер. secrete away (в надежном месте Val_Ships)
жарг. plant
Макаров. hide someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); shut away (кого-либо, что-либо); sweep under the carpet
перен. shed (Victorian); shed (I had gotten a lot of requests for sexy things. I have danced a lot of sexy dances so it was ingrained in me. It was difficult to shed that. Victorian)
разг. secret away (подальше Val_Ships)
уст. bescreen
спрячь глаг.
общ. harness; hitch together
Gruzovik harness (pf of спрягать); hitch together (pf of спрягать)
уст. join; link; unite
Gruzovik, уст. unite (pf of спрягать); join (pf of спрягать)
спрятавшийся прич.
общ. hunkered-down (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
спрячься глаг.
грам. conjugate
спрятавшийся прич.
сл. doggo
спрячься глаг.
уст. unite (with)
Gruzovik, уст. unite with
спрячьтесь! глаг.
общ. hide yourself! (Andrey Truhachev)
спрячься! глаг.
общ. hide yourself! (Andrey Truhachev)
: 191 фраза в 18 тематиках
Австралийское выражение1
Водные ресурсы2
Детская речь1
Идиоматическое выражение, фразеологизм10
Информационные технологии1
Общая лексика78
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Тюремный жаргон1