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сорокадневье сущ.ударения
Казах. chelleh (40 самых жарких или самых холодных дней года. "Разгар лета" или "разгар зимы" в Центральной Азии.: The festival is also known as ‘shab-e-chelleh,' or the night of the chelleh, meaning 40. It refers to the 40 days of winter that are supposedly the coldest and harshest to bear. millatce)
тюрк. chilla (чилля, сорокадневье, разгар сезона: Chilla in summer signifies the forty hottest days in the year, between 25 June and 5 August. The forty coldest days in Uzbekistan occur between 25 December and 5 February. millatce)