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к фразам
согласованные действияударения
общ. action points (только для Workgroup Sakhalin Energy); collusion (illegal Alexander Demidov); concerted acts; interactive activities (bigmaxus); interconnected set of activities (bigmaxus)
бизн. concerted action
воен. synchronized actions; coordinated operation (dimock)
дип. concerted actions
нефт.газ., сахал. action item (Sakhalin Energy)
полит. coordinated actions (ssn)
психол. coordination
эк. concerted practices; concentration practice (dimock); concerted practice (Concerted Practice. Co-ordination between undertakings which, without having reached the stage of concluding a formal agreement, have knowingly substituted practical co-operation for the risks of competition.)
юр. concertation (пример: ...holding that "if it cannot be established that a travel agency was aware of that message, its participation in a concertation cannot be inferred from the mere existence of a technical restriction implemented in the system at issue... , unless it is established on the basis of other objective and consistent indicia that it tacitly assented to an anticompetitive action" A.Rezvov)
Gruzovik, воен. coordinated efforts; coordinated operations
согласованное действие
общ. timing
бизн. coordinated action
Макаров. concerted action
согласованные действия
: 21 фраза в 11 тематиках
Военный термин1
Европейский Союз2
Информационная безопасность и защита данных2
Морской термин1
Общая лексика7
Юридическая лексика2