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к фразам
сачковать глаг.ударения
общ. scrimshank; goof off (D-50); bunk off (Maria Klavdieva); conk off; fluff off; cut school; catch with a net; net; goldbrick (Taras); skip out on work (Taras)
Gruzovik net fish, butterflies, etc with a net; catch fish, butterflies, etc with a net
австрал. bludge (MichaelBurov)
амер. dog it (Anglophile)
брит. skive off (Taras)
воен., жарг. sham (D-50); goof-off (MichaelBurov); soldier (MichaelBurov)
груб. fuck the dog (expr AmE vulg sl They are simply fucking the dog – Они, блин, просто-напросто сачкуют You're fucking the dog again – Ты, блин, снова сачкуешь // Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики Глазунов. 2003 4uzhoj)
идиом. bug out (Interex); worm one's way out of sth (He wormed his way out of the work again! Bob_cat)
Макаров. skimp work
обр. play truant
разг. shirk (Leonid Dzhepko); play hooky (Bonikid); idle; loaf; ditch work (VLZ_58); skive; sit on one's hands (сидеть сложа руки Побеdа); play hookey from work (This is me playing hookey from work. The beach was beautiful this afternoon. I hope the weather holds for the long weekend! (Twitter) ART Vancouver); dog (MichaelBurov); swing the lead (MichaelBurov)
разг., амер. goldbrick
сл. fake off; featherbed; find Rover; skiver; slack off (Moscow Cat); blow off (Charikova); jolly jack (Abberline_Arrol)
Gruzovik, разг. loaf; idle
"сачковать" глаг.
Макаров. cut school
: 3 фразы в 2 тематиках
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