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перебегать глаг.ударения
общ. run over; desert; double over; cross (running); run further than necessary; run past; cover (running); run all over; defect (к конкуренту Ремедиос_П); run across (kee46); scramble (скрытно: We scrambled from rock to rock, until in a few moments we had made our way to a point from which we could see the front door of the inn." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver); go over (к неприятелю); pass over; run over to; run across (with acc. or через); run from one place to another
гимн. running across
перен., разг. defect; go over (to)
разг. dart; flit
спорт. overrun
перебега́ть глаг.
Gruzovik cross (while running); cover (while running); run past; run further than necessary
Gruzovik, перен. desert to; go over to
Gruzovik, разг. dart; flit
перебе́гать глаг.
Gruzovik run from place to place; run all over
перебегаться глаг.
общ. cross (running); run across; run from place to place; run further than necessary; run past; cover (running); run all over
перен., разг. defect; desert (to); go over (to)
разг. dart; flit
: 18 фраз в 6 тематиках
Американское выражение не написание3
Общая лексика6
Переносный смысл1