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односемейный домударения
амер. single family unit (unit = квартира (одна из какого-либо количества в здании); напр., может быть 4 units в дуплексе, и хотя в каждой может проживать по семье, это никак не означает, что это односемейные "дома" ART Vancouver)
Макаров. detached house
недвиж. single-family dwelling (...permit construction of a single-family dwelling with a gross floor area beyond that currently permitted under the prevailing zoning.); single-family house; single-family home (SFH, SF home: "Why would someone buy a home for that amount when you can get a single-family home on a huge lot for the same price? Lower the prices and they will sell." • Every address west of Wellington Road is a SF home with a driveway either in the front or through the back lane. • The single family home is on the endangered species list. Your rising property taxes, water taxes, sewage taxes, taxes and fees, taxes and fees, taxes will force you out. OR The shadow of high-rise towers all around you will have you enjoying a nice day picking up garbage tossed from your high-rise neighbors onto your roof, lawn and driveway. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
односемейный дом
: 6 фраз в 6 тематиках
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