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не рекомендоватьударения
общ. advise against (что-либо: In modern English, calling objects "she" is an optional figure of speech, and is advised against by most journalistic style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style. Acruxia); discommend; dissuade; recommend against (something: Some educators or other authorities recommend against the listed usage Butterfly812)
книжн. discourage (Например, The USPS discourages the use of all punctuation in postal addresses. igisheva)
не рекомендуется
общ. proscribed (напр., помета в словаре; "Proscribed" means that some educators or other authorities recommend against the listed usage 4uzhoj); bad practice (в противовес "good practice", что рекомендуется bojana); it is not recommended; it's not a good idea (Visits to a dog park are probably not a good idea, given the Akita's aggressive tendency toward other dogs. VLZ_58)
мат. is ill advised; is discouraged
нефт.газ., сахал. non recommended (NR)
офиц. it is not advisable (igisheva); is not recommended (ART Vancouver); is being discouraged (All non-essential travel to the US is being discouraged. ART Vancouver)
прогр. deprecated (verb ssn)
тех. not recommended
не рекомендоваться
общ. be advised against (In modern English, calling objects "she" is an optional figure of speech, and is advised against by most journalistic style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style.)
не рекомендовать
: 37 фраз в 13 тематиках
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Научный термин2
Общая лексика15
Средства массовой информации3
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