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к фразам
в сроки и в порядкеударения
общ. within the time limits and in the manner (To pay for all Service provided by the Company within the time limits and in the manner set out in our Main Terms and Conditions and be responsible for the ... | giving adequate advance notice, within the time limits and in the manner referred to in paragraph 8.2, only erga omnes and in cases of radical ... Alexander Demidov); in the time and manner (AD Alexander Demidov)
бизн. when and as (paralex)
рекл. within the time frame and arrangements (Alexander Demidov)
юр. when and as (To discontinue when and as prescribed by or under the provisions of the intended Act the use of the said county gaol and county court houses, or any or either of ... Alexander Demidov)
в срок и в порядке
общ. within the time and in the manner (Court of International Trade within the time and in the manner prescribed for appeals to United States courts of appeals from the United States district courts. Alexander Demidov)
в сроки и в порядке
: 26 фраз в 2 тематиках
Общая лексика13
Юридическая лексика13