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смелость сущ.ударения
общ. courage; boldness; audaciousness; audacity; bravery; pluck; enterprise; hardihood; hardiness; stout heart; bield; hutzpa; moxie; sporting blood; stout-heartedness; stoutness; intrepidity; stuffing; confidence; gumption; stout heartedness; gallantry; valour; gutsiness (Dmitrie); fearlessness; heroism; daring; courageousness; forwardness; freedom; manliness; overconfidence; pertness; pluckiness; plumpness; rashness; recklessness; spirits; sturdiness; temerity; undertaking; venturesomeness; venturousness
Gruzovik adventurousness; stoutheartedness
австрал., сл. push; balls
амер., разг. sand
амер., сл. hutzpah
вульг. ass; fat nuts (см. balls); jackass; spunk; balls
идиом. red blood (Mirinare); high blood (Bobrovska)
идиш., перен. chutzpa; chutzpah (I love that a post-menopausal woman has the chutzpah to call 'em as she sees 'em. Sure, the Obama campaign and political commentators talk about John McCain's misrepresentations, gaffes, moments where he "misspeaks." But when was the last time you actually heard someone say a candidate was a liar when he or she deserved it because they really were lying?)
исп.-амер., перен. cojones (ср. англ. have balls: Rutgers is looking at an Edsall-esque reunion, and have no cojones to step up to his personality cult. • I as a player can just assume that the des don't know how to repair it and they have no cojones to admit it. 4uzhoj)
Макаров. aggressiveness
перен. spine (SirReal); brow; forehead
поэт. resolve
разг. stones (по аналогии c balls Ремедиос_П)
сл. ballsiness; get up and go; gits; grit; guts; heart; hutza; nerve; pizzazz; rind; starch; stomach; ticker; chutzbah (Anglophile); bottle (особенно в выражении lose one's bottle КГА); good size set of plums (Berezitsky); cahones (a misspelt Spanish word "cojones" in the meaning of "to have the balls to do something": "You have to do it all yourself really," he admitted of where the call on what horse to purchase ultimately lands. "You have to have big cahones. otbsports.com Traducierto.com)
уст. hardiment; adventuresomeness; assuarance; daringness; hardihead
хим., мат. resolution
pl смелость сущ.
вульг. balls of steel
смелость города
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