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к фразам
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общ. wipe out (wipe out any benefit hellamarama); render null; bring to naught; reduce to zero; nullify; mock; negate; stultify; bring to nothing; cancel; reduce to nothing; destroy (q3mi4); wipe away (Notburga); cancel out; thwart (inna203); bring to ought; knock out; knock the bottom out of (аргумент, теорию и т. п.); knock the bottom out of (аргумент, теорию)
Игорь Миг neutralize; frustrate; chip away at; erode; reduce to null; scuttle
бур. outweigh
высок. undermine (Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously: ‘this could undermine years of hard work' 'More)
идиом. cut to the bone (Bobrovska); take a wrecking ball to (The recession has taken a wrecking ball to the growth and development gains of the world's poorest countries. Ballistic)
Макаров. knock the bottom out of something (аргумент, теорию и т.п.); bring to naught (планы, замыслы)
перен. whittle away; whittle down
посл. bring to nought
разг. cut short (lady_west)
тех. wipe-out (Vanda Voytkevych)
эк. compensate for (A.Rezvov); dissolve (что-либо: Breaking up a company like Amazon might dissolve synergies and scale, which could end up being a net loss for consumers if a broken-up firm cannot use them. A.Rezvov)
юр. annul
свестись на нет
общ. shrink to nullity; come to naught
Игорь Миг go up in smoke
свести что-либо на нет
Макаров. tear the guts of something
свести на нет
: 60 фраз в 7 тематиках
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