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общ. please (with dat.); like; fancy; take; groove; ring the bell; click (особ. представителям другого пола); appeal; have appeal; speak to (someone karakula); be taken by (требует изменения конструкции: I'm very taken by the way Lady Gaga dresses. • Exploring Zьrich for a few days, and I'm very taken by the public transport. • I'm very taken by your attention to detail, and overall style too. 4uzhoj); feel right at home with (требует замены подлежащего teterevaann); take to (требует замены подлежащего Надин 1504); go for (требует замены конструкции: I don't really go for horror films. • So what type of men do you go for?); impress (I want to impress-я хочу понравиться Tanya Gesse); speak to (someone: It really speaks to me karakula); go for (требует замены конструкции) e.g.); like (требует замены подлежащего teterevaann); fancy (требует замены подлежащего teterevaann); have love for (требует замены подлежащего: "I have no love for the Red Sox on the field or in the division," Steinbrenner told the New York Post. SirReal); enjoy oneself (You're enjoying yourself at this posting. — Вам нравится то, чем вы здесь занимаетесь. Alex_Odeychuk); get a kick out of (Из кинофильма "Робокоп" (1987): I get a kick out of it – Мне и самому нравится Mr. Wolf); taste; be to the liking of; be fond of doing something (He is fond of reading books – ему нравится читать книги Alex_Mix); relish
Игорь Миг be well-liked; be ingratiating; 123
амер. be all over something (I am all over rose gold color. Moscowtran)
бизн. be attracted by (the option, о варианте)
брит. stick (I don’t know how my mother sticks him Capital)
идиом. row your boat (Alina_malina); be the shape of one's heart (требует замены конструкции bigmaxus); float someone's boat (I invited Lily to join us, but horror films don't float her boat. VLZ_58); tickle one's fancy (VLZ_58); blow one's hair back (The whole minimalist thing never really blew my hair back. Vastaras)
идиом., разг. have a soft spot for (особ. о противоположном поле – have a strong liking for; have a crush on: How do you tell if a guy has a soft spot for you? • My brother used to have a soft spot for a girl in his class. • She had a soft spot for the boy next door.)
Макаров. appeal to; be liked (by); have a fancy for (someone)
перен. tickle
разг. go in for (have an interest in or approve of something: "I hope she doesn't go in for big purple orchids," Miss Tinkham said to Mrs. Rasmussen, "there are so many pretty kinds." Jura K.); fetch; click (друг другу); fancy something (Yeldar Azanbayev); grab; hit (The Witcher 2′s plot never hit me. joyand); love one some (4uzhoj); get a buzz out of (I hope you get a buzz out of Ted. He's a funny guy. VLZ_58); be into (someone); She's into him – он ей нравится chronik); be fond of (having a liking for: Mary isn't fond of me, but I'm fond of her. Val_Ships); be down with (I am so down with math, it's my favorite subject in school!); score (кому-либо)
сл. come through; groove (о вещи); make it with (someone); dig
нравится глаг.
общ. somebody is taken with something (кому-либо что-либо) The Inuits were particularly taken with the Europeans’ small glass beads, which today are used in the national costume. I. Havkin)
идиом. take a shine to (take a liking to Taras)
комп., Майкр. like (A Facebook term for showing approval of a friend's post or connecting with a page)
мульт. take a liking to (someone); I couldn't help but notice you taking a liking to my boyfriend, Stan South_Park)
сокр. LGTM (An acronym for "Looks Good To Me", often used as a quick response after reviewing someone's essay, code, or design document. SergeiAstrashevsky)
нравится что-либо глаг.
общ. be partial to (I'm partial to – мне нравится ... Mr. Wolf)
: 710 фраз в 37 тематиках
Австралийское выражение2
Американское выражение не написание3
Британское выражение не написание1
Деловая лексика1
Идиоматическое выражение, фразеологизм8
Общая лексика402
Переносный смысл1
Программное обеспечение1
Разговорная лексика31
Сельское хозяйство1
Цитаты, афоризмы и крылатые выражения5