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в темноте и гнилушка светитударения
Игорь Миг in the land of all men, even your wife is a woman; when there's no one else, even dumb Tommy is a prince
посл. they that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat (igisheva); they that have no other meat, gladly bread and butter eat (igisheva); when all fails, welcome haws (igisheva); when fruit fails, welcome haws (igisheva); better a small fish than an empty dish (igisheva); better a bare foot than none (igisheva); better one-eyed than stone-blind (igisheva); better a lean jade than an empty halter (igisheva); a bad bush is better than the open field (igisheva); we'll make the best of what we have (igisheva); we'll make the best of what there is (igisheva); all is good in a famine (igisheva); half a loaf is better than no bread (igisheva); make the most of what you have (igisheva); something is better than nothing (igisheva); half a loaf is better than none (igisheva)
в темноте и гнилушка светится
посл. among the blind the one-eyed man is king; any port in a storm (lookkil)