
Термины по тематике Майкрософт, содержащие natural | все формы | только в заданной форме
natural account code segmentсегмент кода основного счета (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense). Rori)
natural hierarchyестественная иерархия
natural keyестественный ключ (A primary key or alternate key whose values identify objects in the real world)
natural pencilтекстурный карандаш (A pencil tool that works with texture and simulates a real life pencil in stroke)
Natural Persons Registerреестр физических лиц (An 11-digit identification number issued to Brazilians and resident aliens by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for identification and tax purposes)
natural query syntaxестественный синтаксис запросов (A search method that lets you direct your search using conversational language)
natural segmentсегмент счёта (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
natural segmentсегмент кода основного счёта (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
natural sizingизменение размера на исходный (The default layout and sizing of a collection of elements, as determined by MSHTML)