
Термины по тематике Религия, содержащие synod | все формы | только в заданной форме
General SynodГенеральный синод (верховный орган англиканской церкви grafleonov)
Holy SynodСвятой Синод (The governing body of a national Eastern church)
Holy SynodСвященный Синод
jerusalem synodиерусалимский собор
Lutheran Church-Missouri SynodЛютеранская церковь – Синод Миссури (A conservative Lutheran church in the United States, organized in Chicago in 1849 by German immigrants from Saxony, settled in Missouri, and Bavaria)
Synod of DiamperДиамперский синод (Council that formally united the ancient Christian Church of the Malabar Coast, India, with the Roman Catholic church)
Synod of JerusalemИерусалимский собор православной церкви (A council of the Eastern Orthodox Church convened in 1672 in order to reject the Confession of Orthodox Faith)
Synod of Pistoiaсинод Пистойа (In the history of Jansenism, an important diocesan meeting held in 1786)
Synod of SardicaСардикийский собор (Moiseeva)
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran SynodВисконсинский евангелический лютеранский синод (Conservative Lutheran church in the United States, formed in 1892 as a federation of three conservative synods of German background and then known as the General Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Other States)