
Термины по тематике Ботаника, содержащие tower | все формы | только в заданной форме
tower cressбашенница
tower mustardбашенница голая (Turritis glabra)
tower mustardвяжечка гладкая (Turritis glabra, Arabis glabra)
tower mustardвяжечка голая (Turritis glabra, Arabis glabra)
tower mustardгладкая вяжечка (Turritis glabra, Arabis glabra)
tower mustardбашенница гладкая
tower mustardрезуха гладкая (Arabis glabra)
tower-of-jewelsсиняк розовый (Echium roseum)
tower rockcressбашенница гладкая (Arabis glabra (Turritis glabra), commonly known as tower rockcress or tower mustard, is a tall, slim, grey-green plant with small creamy flowers at the top of the stem. It usually grows on poor chalky or sandy soils, in open situations. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and it is widespread in North America where it is also probably native. It can be found in many other parts of the world as an introduced species. wikipedia.org)
tower rockcressвяжечка голая (Arabis glabra (Turritis glabra), commonly known as tower rockcress or tower mustard, is a tall, slim, grey-green plant with small creamy flowers at the top of the stem. It usually grows on poor chalky or sandy soils, in open situations. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and it is widespread in North America where it is also probably native. It can be found in many other parts of the world as an introduced species. wikipedia.org)
tower rockcressвяжечка гладкая (Arabis glabra (Turritis glabra), commonly known as tower rockcress or tower mustard, is a tall, slim, grey-green plant with small creamy flowers at the top of the stem. It usually grows on poor chalky or sandy soils, in open situations. It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa, and it is widespread in North America where it is also probably native. It can be found in many other parts of the world as an introduced species. wikipedia.org)
tower rockcressбашенница голая (Leonid Dzhepko)