
Термины по тематике Иммиграция и гражданство, содержащие A,A,A,A | все формы
A numberрегистрационный номер иностранца (или номер "а")
Certificate corroborating that a/the person is registered as a national/citizen ofсправка о регистрации личности гражданином (Oleksandr Spirin)
Form I-20 A-Bформа I-20 А-В
get sb. a green cardустроить "зелёную карту" кому-л. (I was first transferred by the company I worked for and got a temporary L1 work visa. I quit the job shortly after and hired a lawyer who got me a green card. I finally got my U.S. Citizenship very recently. There is such a shortage of skilled workers here since a massive amount of baby boomers retired/left the work force after Covid. The companies here are desperately seeking workers and willing to pay the legal fees for green cards. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
make a refugee claimходатайствовать о получении статуса беженца (ART Vancouver)
make a refugee claimобратиться за политическим убежищем (ART Vancouver)
obtain a visa through workполучить визу благодаря работе (It has become harder to get into the U.S. So your story needs more context. You have US citizenship? Your spouse does? You obtained a visa through work (hard to get now) or you are exceptional at something? Or you bought a business? (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
tighten a programужесточить условия визовой программы (для допуска в страну: New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. Direct parallel for Canada. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)