

ссылка 9.11.2006 8:07 
Тема сообщения: Стукали-пали-я (детство)
А вот мне подумалось (нет, у меня это не в переводе, мне просто любопытно) - есть ли в английском что-то вроде Стукали-пали-я - ну помните, когда я прятки играли, надо было обязательно добежать до дерева и сказать кодовую фразу "стукали-пали-я"?


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:17 
Mi govarili stuk, stuk:))))


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:25 
Какое у всех детство разное было:)
Мы говорили что-то типа "пара-выра за себя".
Посмотрела сейчас в Интернете, оказывается, это сокращенно-исковерканное "палочка выручка":) А в детстве как-то и не задумывалась об этом.


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:28 
Deti s kotorimi ia igral ne bili ruskoiazichnimi, tem ne menie vse govarili stuk, stuk:)))


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:32 
Да уж, в детстве как-то не до Интернета, слава богу, было...
А "палочка-выручалочка" и не выговоришь впопыхах! :)
И все же - вопрос остается :)


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:39 
А у английских детишек вообще есть такая игра? :)


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:41 
Должна быть, как же без пряток-то?


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:43 
Ne dumau, burjui vesej taki:))))


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:46 
For instance, in a typical version of Hide-and-Go-Seek (as played in the US Midwest) children playing the game chose a tree, a gatepost or the edge of a wall as "Home," and selected one player as "It". He (or she) put his head on his arm at Home, to cover his eyes; and began to count loudly to some limit such as 25, giving the others some 25 seconds in which to hide "Out" in the general vicinity. He then announced, "Ready or not, here I come!", and tried to locate an Out to race Home. An Out who could race Home first, was "Home Free"; he then waited at Home for the game to end while the player who was It tried to locate another Out. If the player who was It won the race Home, the Out who lost this race became It. They then called, "All 'e, all 'e Outs In Free!" (or "oly-oly-oxen free") to bring the rest of the players Home, and restart the game with the new It; or call off the game for the day.

A game similar to hide and seek, but played with babies, is called peekaboo (peek a boo). In this game the adult hides their face, pops back into the baby's view, and says - to the baby's amusement - Peekaboo! I see you!.

Я там почитала http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hide-And-Seek
сложно все как-то... :)))


ссылка 9.11.2006 8:50 


ссылка 9.11.2006 9:07 
в моем детстве говорили - пора-не пора, иду со двора, палочки-выручалочки или чаще сокращенно - палы-выры, или палы-выры за себя! палы-выры за всех!


ссылка 9.11.2006 9:13 
How to Play Hide and Seek
Players take turns hiding and trying to get to home base without being caught.

1. Play with at least three children.

2. Select an area in which to play the game. Designate a specific area with clear boundaries.

3. Have everyone gather around a tree or other landmark, which will be "home base."

4. Announce that you are "It."

5. Close your eyes (no peeking!) and count to 10 or 20 or whatever number seems appropriate based on the ages of the children playing.

6. Make sure that the rest of the players hide while you are counting.

7. Call out, "Ready or not here I come," when you are finished counting.

8. Go and look for the other players.

9. Be alert, because, as you are searching, the others are trying to run to home base.

10. Try to find and touch, or "tag," the hidden players.

11. Try, at the same time, to tag the running players before they get to home base.

12. Forget about the players who get to home base without being tagged, because they are "safe."

13. Remember the first player you tag. That person will be It in the next round.

14. Be It again if you don't tag any of the players and they all get home safe.


ссылка 9.11.2006 9:37 
olly olly oxen free...
У Стивена Кинга в романе Cell есть аналогичная фраза, только она переделана "под контекст": olly olly in for free


ссылка 9.11.2006 10:01 


ссылка 9.11.2006 10:04 
Вот как приятно, когда на вопросы не по работе, а для души, находятся ответы!!! :)


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