

ссылка 17.10.2011 12:30 
Тема сообщения: stadium inauguration phrases общ.
The new Municipal stadium Poznan is proving a massive hit with more than 800,000 people having visited the ground since its opening on 20 September, 2011.
Please help me translate the expression - is proving a massive hit with more than 800,000 people.

The two airports will be linked by train, with the same railway line also serving Warsaw's official fan zone and the National stadium.
Could you please help me translate this part - with the same railway line also serving Warsaw's official fan zone and the National stadium.

Three hundred seats are set aside for dignitaries and VIPs with a further 150 seats in skyboxes, ideal for corporate entertaining. With the seats in the upper deck predominantly blue and those below mostly yellow in the design of the Ukrainian flag, the stadium's allegiances were firmly aligned when Oleg Blokhin's team played their first match.
Could you please help me translate this part - With the seats in the upper deck predominantly blue and those below mostly yellow in the design of the Ukrainian flag, the stadium's allegiances were firmly aligned..

Thank you so much for your help!


ссылка 17.10.2011 14:00 
massive hit = огромный наплыв (туристов, гостей столицы и т.п.) в количестве 8000000000000000 человеков


ссылка 17.10.2011 14:03 
пользуется большой популярностью: с момента открытия его посетили 800 тыс. чел.

эта же ж/д ветка... непонятно ы чем у вас тут проблема?...

расцветка... не оставляет сомнений в том, на чьей стороне...

конкретно объясните - что вызывает затруднения?


ссылка 17.10.2011 15:22 
Спасибо за идеи! Ваши предложения учтены.


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