

ссылка 18.03.2011 10:50 
Тема сообщения: corporate pole or corporate compliance counsel
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Слово встречается в следующем предложении: Pourchez et al. highlighted various delays on cement hydration induced by cellulose ethers (from 10 min up to several hours)

Контекст: However, the major drawback of these macromolecules in mortar formulation is the cement hydration delay. Pourchez et al. highlighted various delays on cement hydration induced by cellulose ethers (from 10 min up to several hours). This delay seemed to mainly depend on the chemical structure of the molecule and, in particular, on the degree of substitution.

Тематика статьи: суперпластификаторы в цементные растворы и бетоны

Заранее спасибо


ссылка 18.03.2011 11:14 
Какая-то непонятка на сайте произошла. Текст моего сообщения был таким:

По-моему, совершенная белиберда, наверное, имеет место опечатка? Может быть, есть хоть какие-нибудь соображения?

Вот контекст:
A facilitating payment is an unequivocally customary and small amount of money or a modest gift given to a low level government employee to expedite a routine, non-discretionary
clerical or administrative action to which you are otherwise entitled. Facilitating payments are strongly discouraged, often are not permitted under local law, and must, if permitted, be made only in accordance with the implementing procedures. In particular, (1) unless the health or safety of you or a colleague is at risk, you must seek prior approval of corporate pole or corporate compliance counsel before making a facilitating payment.

Заранее спасибо!


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