
 Tessy 1

ссылка 25.11.2010 15:04 
Тема сообщения: lodging and collection of bill protests
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As for as possible the Bank undertakes the timely lodging and collection of bill protests, but in the case of bills of exchange close to maturity and those drown on secondary banking places this is done without engagement on the part of the Bank. Similarly, the Bank declines responsibility for the fact that bills of exchange drawn on secondary banking places are presented at the drawee's domicile.

По возможности Банк обязуется своевременно подавать1 и colleclion of bill protests, но в случае с векселями close to maturity and those drown on secondary banking places this is done without engagement on the part of the Bonk. Аналогичным образом, Банк слагает ответственность for the fact that bills of exchange drawn on secondary banking places are presented at the drawee's domicile.??



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