

ссылка 13.05.2010 11:15 
Тема сообщения: water break test, magnetic leech, head/tail stock, field (flux) flow fixture контр.кач.
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Перевожу стандарт по магнитопорошковому контролю и есть в нем следующие непонятности:

"water break test"

Water Break Test—In this test of water-based vehicles,
a clean part with a surface finish the same as the parts to be
examined or an actual production part is flooded with the
conditioned water, and the appearance of the surface is noted
after flooding is stopped. If a continuous even film forms over
the entire part, sufficient wetting agent is present. If the film of
suspension breaks, exposing bare surface, insufficient wetting
agent is present or the part has not been cleaned adequately.

"magnetic leech", "head/tail stock"

Direct Magnetization—Direct magnetization is accomplished
by passing current directly through the part under
examination. Electrical contact is made to the part using head
and tail stock, prods, clamps, magnetic leeches, or by other
means. Caution shall be taken to ensure that the electrical
current is not flowing while contacts are being applied or
removed and that excessive heating does not occur in the
contact area.

"field (flux) flow fixture"

Indirect Magnetization—Indirect part magnetization
uses pre-formed coils, cable wraps, yokes, field (flux) flow
fixtures, or a central conductor to induce a magnetic field in a
part when no electrical contact is made.

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ссылка 13.05.2010 13:45 
у кого какие варианты?


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