

ссылка 2.05.2007 6:49 
Тема сообщения: Мнящие суть в несути...
Мнящие суть в несути и видящие несуть в сути, они никогда не достигнут сути, ибо их удел ложные намерения.


ссылка 2.05.2007 6:57 
да уж, игра слов какая-то! :)))))))


ссылка 2.05.2007 6:59 
Those who see the truth in the untruth or mistake the untruth for the truth will never arrive at the truth since they are after false intentions.

 Irina Primakova

ссылка 2.05.2007 7:00 
Those who imagine important in what is unimportant, and see unimportant in what is important, - they will never reach what is important because their fate is false intentions

 Irina Primakova

ссылка 2.05.2007 7:04 
Also try essential
Дхаммапада, глава парных строк, строка 11


Найдите соответствующее место в одном из существующих переводов на английский - и вперед.

To see the essence in the unessential and to see the essence as unessential means one can never get to the essence, wandering as one is in the road of wrong intentions.

Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at the essential

Those who regard
non-essence as essence
and see essence as non-,
don't get to the essence,
ranging about in wrong resolves.

But those who know
essence as essence,
and non-essence as non-,
get to the essence,
ranging about in right resolves.

и т.д.


ссылка 4.05.2007 9:43 
сенькаберимяч всем!


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