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Термины по тематике Военно-морской флот (29 статей)
'gator navigator Val_Sh­ips
Chief Chiefie Michae­lBurov
Connie Constellation Michae­lBurov
R.O.T. corps Reserve Officers' Training Corps Michae­lBurov
Bees Sea Bees Michae­lBurov
a/d avoirdupois Углов
AC of N Assistant Controller of the Navy Углов
ADJ1 [2, 3] Aviation Machinist's Mate J (Jet Engine Mechanic) First [Second, Third] Class Углов
ADR1 [2, 3] Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) First [Second, Third] Class Углов
AE1 [2, 3] Aviation Electrician's Mate First [Second, Third] Class Углов
amphibious task group ATG Alex_O­deychuk
aye yes (в подтверждение вызова или команды) Val_Sh­ips
Bees Sea Bees Michae­lBurov
border and offshore submersible sentry BOSS Michae­lBurov
Chief Chiefie Michae­lBurov
commodore commode Michae­lBurov
commodore commode Michae­lBurov
Connie Constellation Michae­lBurov
explosive USV explosive uncrewed surface vessel Alex_O­deychuk
explosive USV explosive uncrewed surface vessel Alex_O­deychuk