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legal profession强调
一般 профессия юриста; правоприменители (Alexander Demidov); адвокатская деятельность the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction – he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey. WN. For over several years, the legal profession had been enrolling "casual" law graduates. SAMACHAR (2004) She avoided limelight in the immediate post-war years, only to re-emerge in the upper reaches of the legal profession. Hilton, John Buxton MOONDROP TO MURDER Some 89 per cent said that they intended to enter the legal profession, the majority intending to become solicitors. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2001) THE State Government has abandoned its controversial reform of Tasmania's legal profession. THE MERCURY, SUNDAY TASMANIAN (2004) The idleness of some of the legal profession never ceases to amaze me. Val McDermid KICK BACK (2002) The legal profession, according to Hailsham, could not be regulated like a corner shop in Grantham. Eccleshall, Robert ENGLISH CONSERVATISM SINCE THE RESTORATION: AN INTRODUCTION AND ANTHOLOGY The prestigious award, sponsored by The Lawyer, is voted on by members of the legal profession. INDEPENDENT (1999) There is little point in hoping that this drive to litigation can be reversed by the legal profession itself. SPIKED (2003) There wasn't a prominent person in the legal profession that he didn't know. Matthews, Lew A CONVICTION OF GUILT. Collins (Alexander Demidov); правоведы; юридическая среда (Alexander Demidov)
公证执业 адвокатская профессия; адвокатское сословие (prerevolutionary); адвокатство; правозаступники; присяжная адвокатура (be fore november 24, 1917); присяжная адвокатура (was so called in Russia 1860 -1917); сословие адвокатов (prerevolutionary)
广告 юриспруденция
法律 адвокатское сословие; профессия адвоката; юридическая профессия; юристы; юрист; адвокатура (as distinguished from "bench")
环境 юрист как профессия (Лица, чьей профессией является консультирование граждан по вопросам права, представления их интересов в суде или оказания им помощи в ходе судебного процесса, включая адвокатов, судей, юрисконсультов и сотрудников суда)
legal profession: 16 短语, 5 学科