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名词 | 介词 | 形容词 | 缩写 | 短语
ST [-st] 名词
欧洲联盟 ST Tourismus
ST [-st] 介词
一般 ST
爱好和消遣, 运输 Zwitserland Toerisme
 英语 词库
ST [-st] 缩写
缩写 shop telegraph station
缩写, 井控 steering tool
缩写, 医疗的 scapulothoracic
缩写, 半导体 silicon target
缩写, 商业活动 sales tax; sight; Special Tools; statement; statute; steel; step; stock; straight time; surtax
缩写, 地球科学 satellite triangulation; saturated thickness; saxothuringian; scattering transform; semidiurnal tide; service tools; shock tunnel; siltstone; source transducer; space transformation; spring tide; standard trace; stilpnomelane mesoband; stirrup; storage tank; streamflow; structure; subjects thing; super typhoon
缩写, 毒理学 sterigmatocystin (igisheva)
缩写, 电 strap
缩写, 石油/石油 salvage tug; sample taker; sample tops; sample tube; sampling time; Sao Tome and Principle; Schmidt trigger; sea transport; sealed tube; sediment trap; sedimentation time; seismic theory; service tool; sesterterpene; sesterterpenoids; shirt tail; short trip; skim tank; slim-tube; solution treatment; sonar technician; special tax; special tool; standard test; steam tanker; steam tight; steam trap; steam tug; steel teeth; steel-truss; stratigraphic test; structure tee; stylolites; surface trench
缩写, 空间 sentinel standards; shuttle trainer; surface temper; system time
缩写, 篮球 steals
缩写, 航空 seat; stabilizer trim; statistics; steering tiller; stratus; system testing
缩写, 药理 sulfathiazole
缩写, 运动的 slow twitch; speech therapy
缩写, 钻孔 strain
缩写, 麻醉学 single twitch (Natalya Rovina)
ST. 缩写
缩写, 技术 stratus
St [-st] 缩写
缩写, 商业活动 Saturday; Stl stainless steel
缩写, 地球科学 sillimanite; stannite; stat; stilbite; stilpnomelane; stishovite; stoves; supratemporal
缩写, 石油/石油 streamlined; stud
缩写, 钻孔 starter
St. 缩写
缩写 Saturday; station; stationary; stokes; stone; strait; street; stretched
缩写, 化学 styrene
缩写, 地球科学 strong
缩写, 石油/石油 successful test
ST [-st] 缩写
缩写, 医疗的 spindle transfer (ser77)
St [-st] 缩写
缩写 stream; staurolite; stokes; styrene; Saint; Stanton criterion; State; status; Stewart number; strait; stretched
缩写, 军队, 航空 strontium
缩写, 医疗的 Stocks
能源行业 total sulfur
航空 Strouhal number (bonly)
St. 介词
法律 State laws or acts
缩写 Statute; Statutes
缩写, 图书馆员 Saint
缩写, 炸药 stearic acid
缩写, 经济 straits
ST [-st] 介词
军队 superintendent of transportation; scheduled training; security troops; service telegram; service test; signal training; simulator training; space technology; special test; special training; special troops; start time; static test; strategic transport; surface target; survivability test; survival time; system test
技术 sample top; service testing; set-up time for batch; signaling tone; site team; sound telegraph; source term; space tracking; spaceborne telescope; speed transmitter; standard taper; star tracker; steam turbine; surge tank; synchronous transmission; target speed
油和气 steel structure
海洋学 Stratosphere-troposphere
生理 Esotropia; Shock therapy
缩写 Same Time; Sesotho; Special Treatment; Standard Time; Sub Total; steam tracer; Safe Toy; Saint Tome and Principe; Satellite Transmitter; sawtooth; scientific and technical; Screening Tool; Seagate Technologies; Seagate Technology (HDD); SEAL Team; Secondary Table; See And Treat; Seek Time; Segment Table / Type; Segment Title; Selectable Technology; Self Test; self-testing; Semi Tread; Sequence Type; Service Time; Sex Toy; Shadow Technology; Shared Tree (PIM, SPT, CBT, Multicast); Ship Type; short term (Ася Кудрявцева); Short Ton; Short Tons; Short Track; Short Tread; Show Turtle; Show Type; sidereal time; Siege Tank; Sign Type; Signaling Terminal; Silent Treatment; Silly Twit; Simon Tissot; single-throw; single-tire; Situation Time; Sixteen Thirty; Skinhead Times; Snap Twist; Soft Touch; Solar Terrestrial; Sound Trap; sounding tube; Space Talk; Special Technology; Special Text; Special Touring; Special Trailer; Special Transport; Special Tuning; Speech Therapy; Spontaneous Timed; Sport Technologies; Sport Turismo; Sports Technology; Sports Tourer; Sports Touring; Sports Trainer; SPS Technologies, Inc.; Squall's Time; ST Rail System; Stadium Truck; Stafford Tavares; Stage Of Disease; Standard Touring; Standard Trailer; standards (eternalduck); Standby Time; start; starting time; State Transformation; Station Timed; steam; Story Teller; Straight Tip; Strategic Task; Street Thunder; strip-tin; Stuart Taylor; Stupid Things; Sub Topic; Subtraction Term; Summer Time; Super Travel; Support Technical; Surveillance Test; The Simulation Toolkit; setup time; sexy thang; Shirley Temple; star trek
缩写, 互联网 Such That
缩写, 会计 side track
缩写, 信息技术 State And The; Schmitt trigger; Seagate technology; Stream Protocol; supertest (Tiny Tony)
缩写, 军队 Scientific and Technical; Scientific/Technical; Special Training; shipping ticket; Space Transport; supply and transport; Surface Terminal; small tug; strike team
缩写, 军队, 航天 satellite terminal
缩写, 农业 sensation threshold
缩写, 冶金 stress tempering
缩写, 制图 steel truss
缩写, 医疗器械 Total Scan Time (Sagoto)
缩写, 医疗的 Sickle cell Thalassemia; Sinus Tachycardia (cardiac); Skin Temperature; Skin Test; Skin Thickness; Solid Tumor; Surgical Technologist; Tumor Surgery (TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) Classification: ST0 Surgery Not Done, ST1 Complete Resection, ST2 Resection, 50% To 90%, ST3 Resection 5% To 50%, ST4 Biopsy, And ST5 Shunting); stent thrombosis (Horacio_O); heat-stable bacterial toxin; skin testing; staff training; standardized test; sinus tachycardia; syncytiotrophoblast; systemic test
缩写, 卫生 sanitary towel (grafleonov)
缩写, 商业活动 Side Trip (Сокращение в электронном авиабилете Alexander Oshis)
缩写, 土壤科学 sticky
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 Structured text
缩写, 媒体 State This
缩写, 实验室设备 Screening Test; STart
缩写, 技术 start signal
缩写, 政治 St. Lucia
缩写, 教育 Show And Tell
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Special Topics
缩写, 文件扩展名 Scream Tracker Instrument library; Segment Table; Smalltalk language source code file (Little Smalltalk); Stamp (NeoPaint)
缩写, 汽车 scan tool; short trim; solenoid-timing; sport touring car; Stability Track; stereo indicator
缩写, 油和气 surface torque (tat-konovalova)
缩写, 油田 sidetracking (Alexander Demidov)
缩写, 煤炭 Softening temperature (City Monk)
缩写, 生理 Scala Tympani; Skeletal Traction; Slight Trace; Stent Thrombosis
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Sexually Transmitted; Stomach
缩写, 电子产品 sample time; sampling test; satellite transponder; scan type; scrambled text; select time; self-timer; self-trapping; send timing; set trigger; SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV; shallow trench; sidetone (circuit); signaling technique; signal terminal; silicidation temperature; simple transmission; simplex terminator; skin tracking; slant transform; slow transverse wave; smart terminal; sound track; spanning tree; start timing; stepping table; stoichiometric oxide; stress test; string termination; stub tuner; studio-to-transmitter (line); stuffing table; subscriber terminal; successful tracking; switching transient; symbol table; symbol timing; symmetrically blocking thyristor; system technology; system tester; start-up transformer; segment type
缩写, 电缆和电缆生产 bayonet fiber optic connector (MichaelBurov); BFOC (MichaelBurov); ST connector (MichaelBurov); Stab and Twist connector (MichaelBurov); straight tip (MichaelBurov); straight tip connector (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 畜牧业 Society of Tea (China)
缩写, 病毒学 stable toxin
缩写, 石油/石油 seismic tomography; short thread; sidetrack; tensile strength
缩写, 矿业 surface transport
缩写, 科学的 Sao Tome
缩写, 细菌学 Streptococcus thermophilus (igisheva)
缩写, 编程 Structured Text (ssn)
缩写, 聚合物 standard temperature; surface tension
缩写, 股票交易 Short Term
缩写, 自动化设备 sensing tool; setup time for batch; synonymous term
缩写, 航空 scramble time; safety tool; sampling tube; sealant tape; search/track; section template; shock test; shock tube; simulation test; single throw; single tire; single turn; slab tailplane; special tool cutting; specific thrust; specification tree; speed trend; spin test; spring tab; stagnation temperature; stairway; stamp transfer; standard tolerance; standard tool; standard tooling; start tank; start starting time; status code; stopping time; structure technology; surface treatment
缩写, 航空医学 tactile sense
缩写, 苏格兰语 Civil aircraft marking (Sudan); Staff Target; Strategic Transport, air; Support Tank
缩写, 英式英语 sole trader (igisheva)
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Subject To
缩写, 质量控制和标准 short-term
缩写, 运动的 Spring Training; Starting Time
缩写, 运输 Street
缩写, 造船 sea trawler; steering telegraph
缩写, 邮政服务 Street (Street Suffix); Sorting Tender (UK, part of RPO); Source/Type Code (MODS report abbreviation); Special Tooling
缩写, 防空 skin track
缩写, 非正式的 sticky type
缩写, 黄金开采 shaking table (MichaelBurov)
聊天和网络俚语 Struggler
能源行业 slow transients; stabilization time; startup time; startup transformer; statutory functions; steady-state; sump tank; surface temperature; systems test
计算 space telescope
st [-st] 介词
农业 stand; sterilization; stitch
制图 stone not shaped nor rolled
技术 st
矿业 stand-by; stere
经济 stock transfer
缩写 Static Thrust; stone (weight); stilb; slight trace; staff; stage; star; stepchild; stratus (об облачности Leonid Dzhepko); street; strophe; studio; surface tension
缩写, 医疗的 statutory; stimulus; subtype
缩写, 商业活动 stone; study
缩写, 地球科学 stony; strong
缩写, 数学 steradian
缩写, 电子产品 short ton
缩写, 石油/石油 stet
缩写, 空间 Stanton number
缩写, 钻孔 single track
聚合物 stable; standard; stationary; statistical
自动化设备 station
航空 store
st. 介词
矿业 steel
缩写 seat; stairs; stand; steam; stene; stanza (Vosoni)
缩写, 医疗的 let it stand; let them stand
缩写, 图书馆员 stet; stitched
缩写, 地球科学 stable; standard
缩写, 经济 steamer; statement
缩写, 运动的 start; straight; steals
ST. 缩写
缩写 Staff
ST SLFTPG [-st] 缩写
缩写 self-tapping
: 69 短语, 27 学科