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PMD Coefficient强调
电信 коэффициент поляризационной дисперсии (SleepyDude); коэффициент поляризационной модовой дисперсии (SleepyDude); коэффициент рассеивания от режима поляризации (The "PMD coefficient", with units of ps/km1/2, indicates the rate at which PMD builds up along the fiber length. For a fixed length, a "PMD value", with units of ps, can be measured. Test sets have a minimum measurable PMD value. For fiber with a low PMD coefficient, a long fiber length is required for accurate measurement. For example, if a 0.02 ps/km1/2 fiber is measured using an interferometric test set with a minimum PMD of 0.1 ps, one would requires 25 km of fiber. SleepyDude)