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сделать своё дело强调
Gruzovik do its work; have its effect
一般 do one's part; do one’s job; do one’s part; come home; get home; go home; strike home; take toll (cognachennessy); have shot bolt; take its toll (Anglophile); do one's job (Mr. Wolf)
惯用语 hit home (Taras); do the business (Bobrovska)
经济 take a toll (bigmaxus)
马卡罗夫 do part
马卡罗夫, 俚语 do stuff
сделать свои дела
委婉的 do one's business (Remove pet waste daily from your yard or wherever your pet does his business. • Around 9 p.m., officers asked three men who were "obstructing a loading bay" at that location to move, "as this was a City of Vancouver bylaw offence," Visintin said. "One of the men stated he needed to use the washroom so the officer gave him some wipes and he went behind a dumpster to do his business. When he was done, he took the dirty wipes full of feces and threw it at the officers," she added. Visintin said the suspect then "unloaded a large can of bear spray" toward the officers, hitting one "directly in the face." The man fled to Hastings Street and McLean Drive, where he hid inside a portable toilet and refused to exit, prompting the use of the bean-bag shotgun to arrest him, according to police. (bc.ctvnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
幽默/诙谐 do one's duty (defecate or urinate, as in: Please keep the dog outdoors until he does his duty. 4uzhoj)
犬种 do duty (туалет Viacheslav Volkov)
сделать своё дело
: 12 短语, 3 学科