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неважно 副词强调
Gruzovik it doesn't matter; it is unimportant
Игорь Миг it little matters whether
一般 rather bad; skip it; so-so; it doesn't matter sixpence; after a manner; it makes no odds; not too well; not very well; no better than it ought to be (mascot); no better than it should be (mascot); anyhow; nohow (о самочувствии); poorly; immaterially; it is no matter; it makes no matter; no odds (не имеет значения); it doesn't really matter (ART Vancouver); no matter (It seems that Doug's coat has gone missing. Oh, well, no matter: we can always buy a new one, now can't we? • "Did you fail your exam?" "Yes, but no matter. I'll just study harder next time." В.И.Макаров); it is no odds; not good enough (VLZ_58); come what may (независимо от обстоятельств и аргументов); it's of no consequence (kee46); no problem; it is immaterial (I. Havkin); whether (, ... или ... sissoko); not well; does not matter; doesn't matter
修辞格 neither here nor there (sea holly)
具象的 below par
惯用语 not up to par (The boy is not feeling up to par. VLZ_58)
澳大利亚表达, 俚语 fair to middling
罕见/稀有 a moo point (Burdujan); it's moo (Burdujan)
软件 insignificant (The sequence of columns is insignificant. Banzaaai)
过时/过时 ungravely; inconsequentially
非正式的 never mind (Ann13); whatever ("It was Monday, not Tuesday.' "Whatever." Clepa); anyway (междометие прерывания речи при отклонении от темы монолога/диалога для возврата к основной теме Баян); regardless of (Andrey Truhachev); never mind!; regardless (Andrey Truhachev)
马卡罗夫 indifferently; incidentally; it does not matter; none too well
неважно! 形容词
一般 a small matter!; never mind!, it doesn’t matter!
неважный 形容词
Gruzovik inconsequent; nugacious
Игорь Миг poor (по качеству)
一般 unimportant; trifling; bad; of no consequence; immaterial; inconsiderable; of little moment; inessential; fair to middling; no great shakes; baddish; penny-ante; omissible; so-so; indifferent; not very good; of a kind; nonthreatening (Olegus Semerikovus); ropey (Anglophile); nickel and dime; nickel-and-dimed; nickel-and-diming; nickeled-and-dimed; nickeling-and-diming; la la; one eyed; one horse; non-essential; slight; small; third-rate; of no moment; small in importance; trivial; negligible; inconsequential (cognachennessy); of no importance (russiangirl); one-eyed; light; matterless; meaningless; unessential
俚语 jerk soup; back-burner; Cheap John; jerk town; jerk water; off base; peanut; penny ante; mickey-mouse (Franka_LV)
庸俗 common as cat shit; half-assed
惯用语 not worth a pinch of coon's shit (only CANADIAN, not to be used in USA (coon in USA is a slang for a coloured man) Tiana_b)
意第绪语 pisher (Noigel)
数学 insignificant; irrelevant; not good
矿业 of no consequence to (для)
罕见/稀有 la-la
过时/过时 immoment; immomentous; importless; unconsequent
非正式的 tin; of little mark (Andrey Truhachev); not much of a (I'm not much of a singer); fluffy (DoctorKto); poor; not so good
马卡罗夫 none so good; nonessential; tenuous
неважное 形容词
俚语 nothing to write home about (Interex)
неважно: 231 短语, 18 学科
英国(用法,不是 BrE)3