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ждать ребёнка强调
一般 have a baby on the way (Anglophile); expect (continuous aspect only: Celine Dion is expecting again: the Quebecois singer is pregnant with her second child after undergoing fertility treatment at a clinic in New York. ART Vancouver); expect a child (continuous aspect only: "You are pregnant?" he asked with shock in his voice. "Yes, Justin, I am expecting a child." Юрий Гомон); expect a baby (Юрий Гомон); expect a baby (one's second, a son, etc., и т.д.)
俚语 infancipate (Even the husbands of expectant women also experience how it is to infanticipate. Даже мужья беременных женщин на собственной шкуре начинают ощущать, что значит "ждать ребенка". Andy)
委婉的 have a bun in the oven (Just last week we heard the joyous news that Kerry Katona has a bun in the oven again – and now we hear she's already planning her wedding. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver); be expecting (быть беременной igisheva)
非正式的, 惯用语 have pudding in the oven (Супру)
ждать ребёнка
: 4 短语, 2 学科