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вот те раз!强调
一般 well, I'm sure; well, to be sure; well!; son of a gun! (Anglophile); holy cow! (igisheva); here's a nice how-d'ye-do!; here's a pretty how-d'ye-do!; well, I declare!
幽默/诙谐 shocker! (Bartek2001)
过时/过时 Gordon Bennett (Shabe)
非正式的 dear me! (Andrey Truhachev); good grief! (Anglophile)
вот те раз
Игорь Миг I'll be damned!
一般 of all things!; sure; Great Scott (4uzhoj); I like that! (VLZ_58); as I live and breathe (driven); lo and behold (4uzhoj)
感叹 my aunt! (VLZ_58)
вот те раз.
一般 there's a twist