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волка ноги кормят强调
一般 he that would eat the fruit, must climb the hill; he who would eat the fruit, must climb the hill; no bees, no honey; no work, no money; nothing seek, nothing find; one can't pull a fish out of a pond without labour; one cannot pull a fish out of a pond without labour; you can't pull a fish out of a pond without labour; you cannot pull a fish out of a pond without labour
惯用语 legwork (Taras)
tethered sheep soon starves (Yerkwantai)
谚语 the dog that trots about finds a bone (earning one's daily bread means going and looking for it); there never was a five pound note, but there was a ten pound road for it; like a dog in a fair: here, there and everywhere; life is pilgrimage; the wolf that wants to find the meat must trot all day on his own feet; wolves live by their legs
приблиз. волка ноги кормят
a closed mouth doesn't get fed (многие англофоны понимают родную поговорку излишне аллегорично, считая, что закрытый рот означает молчание (хотя молчание скорее выражалось бы фразой a mouth shut), а для получения желаемого, нужно не молчать, при том, что в контексте приёма пищи очевидно, что речь идёт просто о необходимости предпринять некоторые действия – открыть рот Баян)