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вали отсюда!强调
Игорь Миг get the f* outta here! (груб., руг.)
一般 leg it out of here!; push off!; shove off! (Anglophile); hit the road! (Taras)
俚语 get out of my face! (Anglophile); buzz off! ('More); go to hell!; go along with you! (Buddy89)
庸俗 Get the fuck outta here! (Taras)
惯用语 get lost! (Val_Ships)
粗鲁的 bugger off! (Anglophile); Go screw yourself! (Andrey Truhachev); go fuck yourself! (Andrey Truhachev)
粗鲁的, 英式英语 piss off!
非正式的 kiss off! (george serebryakov)
вали отсюда
一般 scram (Tanya Gesse)
Игорь Миг, 非正式的 get the hell out of here
俚语 do outs (Technical)
валим отсюда
俚语 let's make like Linda Lovelace and blow (VLZ_58); let's make like a banana and split (VLZ_58); let's make like a terrorist and blow this place (VLZ_58); let's make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here (VLZ_58); let's make like Michael Jackson and "Beat it!" (VLZ_58); let's make like a bowel and move (george serebryakov); let's make like a sock and run (george serebryakov); let's make like a nut and bolt (george serebryakov)
валить отсюда
俚语 make like a tree and leave (Liv Bliss); make like horse poop and hit the road (Really. My significant other says it often. Of course, it doesn't have to be "poop." Liv Bliss)
Вали отсюда!
非正式的 on your bike! (British English Anglophile)
вали отсюда
: 5 短语, 3 学科